Easy Wedding Couple Poses
Your wedding album is one of those things that you will pick up to help you remember your big day for years to come. You will show it to your parents, kids, grandchildren, and other important people that come into your lives. This little book of memories will be passed from one generation to the next, so it’s no surprise that couples want their wedding photos to be perfect.
If you’re preparing for your wedding day, you might be thinking about your wedding photography and wondering how you should pose. What’s the secret to a flawless photoshoot – besides a good photographer, of course? While choosing a perfect wedding couple pose can be challenging, luckily for you, inspiration is everywhere.
It’s not enough to log into your Pinterest account and check out the most popular wedding couple poses. From formal portraits to fun photoshoots, the possibilities are endless. There are dozens of factors to consider, such as the wedding theme and venue. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of five easy wedding poses for couples.
This beloved part of the wedding is all about capturing the first moment a couple sees each other on their wedding day. Some options include sitting back-to-back to your partner with a tree or a thin wall between you. Reach around and touch your fingers or take a sneak peek at each other.
Then ask the photographer to take pictures as you’re turning around for a kiss or a gentle touch on the cheek. Remember those special moments when you just started to date or saw each other for the first time and use them to stimulate other “First Look” ideas.
Add a touch of personality to the typical kissing pose on your wedding day. SPOILER ALERT: All you need is a long veil. There are a number of different shots that can be taken when you kiss your partner under the veil, or look into each other’s eyes with the veil falling gently over your faces.
A forehead kiss is innocent — yet romantic and passionate. It shows how much you care about each other, and that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make your partner happy. This is actually one of the most beautiful wedding couple poses, so be sure to include it in your photoshoot.
Stand up or sit on the edge of a cliff (safely), while kissing your partner on the forehead. Touch hands gently and imagine your new life together on your wedding day.
Hide your kiss behind a hat, an umbrella, or a wedding bouquet.
This romantic wedding pose shows how close you are to each other. It’s like a little secret that only you share, thus making you two stronger.
Have you ever seen those cute wedding photos featuring the bride and groom on a bicycle? Or those pics where the two hold a “Just Married” sign while kissing behind it?
Try these cool hots yourself! A couple of creative props can take the whole experience to the next level. Get creative and experiment with wooden signs, chalkboard signs, umbrellas, or a storybook backdrop.
These are just a few of the many ideas you can use on the big day. The more creative you are, the more spectacular the result will be.
Remember to have fun in the process! After all, these are some of the most important moments in your life. Do what makes you happy and experiment with all sorts of wedding couple poses.
Have you found your dream photographer yet? Our team is here to help! Contact us to find out about our wedding photography services or view our gallery for inspiration today.