How to Plan For Your Outdoor Wedding Photographs
Wedding season is just around the corner, and statistics show 80 percent of weddings are held between May and October.
Non-traditional wedding trends are catching on with only 26 percent of planners opting for religious places to have their ceremonies, choosing settings with unique backdrops instead.
Here are some ways you can plan to make sure the originality of your wedding is captured with this outdoor wedding photography checklist.
Expect the Unexpected
It’s your big day, and no one wants it to go off without a hitch more than you do. But the most important thing to remember, especially when planning for an outdoor wedding, is to expect the unexpected.
When dealing with the great outdoors, and planning an event this big so far in advance, the weather is never going to cooperate one-hundred percent. It’s best to be able to go with the flow and be able to laugh it off. This goes for all aspects of the wedding day process.
Timing is Everything
You may already have your ceremony time planned out, but if you don’t, a couple of hours before sunset is a beautiful time for photographs. They don’t call it the “golden hour” for nothing.
Natural lighting in the early afternoon is harsh and may not provide you with soft, romantic photographs for your wedding album. Try to keep scheduled photograph times for softer times of the day.
Dancing Lights
The more lighting, the better.
The reason for this is because lighting equals mood. If you have candles, lanterns, or hanging lights, especially if your reception is going to last into the twilight hours, then the overall feeling of your photographs is going to magical.
Nature Makes the Best Backdrop for an Outdoor Wedding
The best way that you can end up saving yourself some time and money is allowing the scenery of your outdoor wedding venue be your backdrop.
What’s more beautiful than nature, anyway? Nothing will be able to replace the setting you chose, and you’ll have something unique and gorgeous to show to all of your friends and family.
Contingency Plans and Trusting your Photographer
We’ve already talked about going with the flow, but creating “Plan B” is never a bad idea.
As stated, weather may not always cooperate, so having another option is a great idea. Most venues with outdoor spaces should have plans in place, but if they don’t, you should think about that before agreeing to rent the space.
Providing fans for hot weather or umbrellas for your guests in case of rain is never a bad gesture.
Trusting that your photographer has your best interest in mind is exactly why you hired them in the first place. Your big day is important to them, as well, and they know the secrets of making your photos look magnificent.
Beleive in them and trust the process.
Your Big Day
Your big day is just the beginning of a life filled with more special days. Whether it rains or shines, I hope you love your outdoor wedding and the life that follows.
For more blogs about outdoor weddings, visit my website. Or you can contact me for a consultation or more information!